Market Update: Is now the right time to buy? (May 9, 2024)

The April stats are in, and I’m going to throw some numbers at you. There’s some interesting news.

We have 961 active listings in the Kingston real estate market, the highest number we’ve seen in five years.

Back in 2019, the total number of listings was 840 new listings. Last month, it was 661; in 2019, it was 652. So we’re about the same.

But here’s what’s interesting. The number of homes that sold last month was 294, compared to 402 in 2019. So we’ve got an imbalance right now that’s skewing in buyers’ favour.

If you are thinking about getting out on the market right now as a buyer, now is the time.
If you’re a seller, let’s talk about the strategies we used back in 2019 to ensure you sold your home.
Contact us!

Watch the market update here

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