Summer Moving Tips: How to Make Your Move Easier

Moving can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially during the bustling summer months. As experienced real estate agents, we understand the relocation challenges. Whether you’re moving across town or the country, these summer moving tips will help make your transition easier. Please note that there are local businesses that will help you with many of these steps (decluttering, packing, moving) so if you’d like a few recommendations, just contact us!

Plan Ahead

Start planning your move well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Create a timeline with key milestones such as decluttering, packing, and scheduling moving services. A clear plan will help you stay organized and on track.

Beat the Heat

Moving in the summer means dealing with high temperatures, so it’s essential to plan accordingly. If you are doing the moving yourself, schedule your move day during the cooler morning or evening hours to avoid the sweltering midday heat. Stay hydrated and take regular breaks to prevent overheating.

Declutter Before You Pack

Take the opportunity to declutter and streamline your belongings before you start packing. Sort your possessions and donate, sell, or discard items you no longer need or use. Even if you’ve hired someone to do the packing, we suggest going through your things and using colour coded tape or post-it notes and labelling clearly (pack/sell/donate/discard). Downsizing will make packing easier and save you time and money on moving expenses.

Gather Packing Supplies

Stock up on packing supplies such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper well in advance. Label boxes clearly with their contents and the room they belong to for easy unpacking at your new home. If you’re like us, you might start to run out of steam by the end, but make sure you label with the room at the very least! Consider colour-coding for added organization.

Protect Your Belongings

Take extra precautions to protect fragile items during the move. Wrap delicate items in bubble wrap or packing paper and pack them securely in sturdy boxes. Use padding such as towels or blankets to cushion items and prevent shifting during transit.

Secure Professional Movers

Book their services well in advance to secure your desired moving date if you’re hiring professional movers. Research reputable moving companies and read reviews from previous customers to ensure a smooth and reliable experience. Obtain quotes from multiple companies to compare prices and services. If you’re looking for recommendations, we can help.

Notify Utilities and Change of Address

Remember to notify utility providers of your move and arrange for services to be transferred or disconnected as needed. Update your address with the Canada Post, banks, credit cards, subscriptions, phone, internet, and other essential contacts to ensure that mail is forwarded to your new address.

Pack an Essentials Box

Pack a separate box containing essential items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. Include toiletries, medications, a change of clothes, snacks, and any important documents or valuables. Keep this box with you during the move for easy access.

Take Care of Pets and Plants

Make arrangements for the care of pets and plants during the moving process. Consider boarding or arranging a pet sitter to minimize stress on moving days. Keep indoor plants hydrated and protected from extreme temperatures during transit.

Celebrate Your New Beginning

Moving homes marks the start of an exciting new chapter in your life. Take time to celebrate your accomplishments and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Settle into your new home, explore your new neighbourhood, and make cherished memories in your new surroundings.

Proper planning and preparation make moving homes during the summer smooth and manageable. By following these summer moving tips and enlisting the help of trusted professionals, you can make your move easier and focus on enjoying the journey to your new home. Happy moving!

Ready to embark on your summer move? Contact us today for expert guidance and assistance with all your real estate needs!

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