Welcome To

Lennox and Addington

Area Highlights

6 months - Residential - Updated June 2024


About Lennox & Addington

Lennox & Addington County is 2,777 km2, 130 km long and is neighbour to Renfrew, Hastings, Prince Edward and Frontenac Counties. It is 30 minutes west of Kingston and east of Belleville, 2 hours from Toronto & Ottawa, and 3 hours from Montreal.  It is comprised of Addington Highlands, Stone Mills, and Loyalist townships, and the town of Greater Napanee. Lennox & Addington (L&A) is mix of farmland, open spaces, forests, lakes, and thriving communities.

County Council is made up of the mayors, deputy mayors, reeves, and deputy reeves of L&A’s town and townships. The population is 42,888.

There area 5 county library branches, and the L&A Museum and Archives is located in the county seat of the town of Greater Napanee. 

For more information, L&A County has a two great websites: the informational lennox-addington.on.ca and for living, business development, shopping, and exploration there’s naturallyla.ca.

Properties in Lennox and Addington

View our selection of available properties in the Lennox and Addington.